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Upcoming  Clinics

TPA clinics are designed to help players practice different areas of the game for a short period of time, and then play some points using the skills they are learning.   We try to group players of similar skill levels together to insure everyone is able to feel competitive and most importantly have fun.  If you are new to the game or just looking to improve, come out and join us.

The following is a guide to which session is best for you.  Please try to sign up for the appropriate level to allow the best experience for everyone:

Beginner -- Players who are just starting to play the game.  Still learning the concept of dinking, third shot drop, serving and returning, transition areas, non volley zone rules and scoring.

Adv Beginner -- These players have begun to execute some of the basic shots used in the game.  Still learning how to keep balls in play, court positioning and understanding movement during the course of a point.

Intermediate/Advanced -- These player can use a variety of shots during points and are able to keep balls in play for longer rallies.  They are usually able to dink and hit third shots to avoid being attacked by more aggressive players, and have the ability to put balls away after an opponent's mistake.  Good understanding of court position,  movement with partner and are starting to understand the block/re-set volley to extend points.

Don't have a paddle ?  No worries !  We have plenty of demos to try!

@2024 Tampa Pickleball Academy

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